Sunday, July 19, 2015

How to wish 50th Birthday

Looking for the best 50th birthday wishes and messages to wish someone a happy birthday? We've got nice ones, funny ones, teasing ones and silly ones. Turning 50 is a milestone worth celebrating, so time to get creative and help make that person feel extra special as they journey over the hill!

These messages are perfect when you just want to wish someone a happy birthday in a nice way without trying to be funny or poke fun. They're perfect for those people that you're not super close with, like your great aunt or your boss.
  • You're turning 50 huh? That's still pretty young... for a tree.
  • The English call it 50. The Spanish call it cincuenta. The Chinese call it Wushi. I call it old. Happy Birthday!
  • Happy 50th birthday. Congratulations... from now on you're officially old
  • Deepest sympathies on your 50th birthday
  • You've got so much to look forward to in your 50s. In the words of Bob Hope: "I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. That's when it's time for my nap"
  • Technically you're not 50. You're only $49.95, plus tax!
  • You're not 50. You're 18, with 32 years of experience!
  • Happy 20th Anniversary of your 30th Birthday
  • We call it 50. The Spanish call it cincuenta. The Germans call it funfzig. The Kalahari bushmen don't even have a word for numbers that big. In whatever language, it's a birthday worth celebrating!
  • You...

              Look  21
Feel  18
Act   11
That makes you 50!
  • Wishing you a happy 50th birthday and many happy returns to enjoy the finer things in life.
  • Happy Birthday to a guy/gal who's nifty at fifty
  • Happy 50th Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful day and a fabulous year being fifty.
  • Congratulations, you're officially...

O utstanding
L egendary
D istinguished
  • Things to look forward to...
F iber supplements
I ndigestion
F latulence / Flashes
T oupee / Tiredness
I ncontinence
E ar hair / Estrogen supplements
S agging